Senin, 08 Juni 2009

English Speaking Tips by

Here you will find some tips on how to improve your English conversation skills.

1. Fluency

The main goal is fluency. Remember that you don't have to know many complex grammatical structures to achieve that goal! First of all try to speak as fluent as possible (even making some grammar mistakes). Then, after making your speaking fluent, you can focus on grammar aspects.

2. English vocabulary learning

Many people think that knowing a lot of words is a key to fluent speaking. It's true! However, there are many people who have wide idiolect and problem with fluency. They try to learn more and more words because they think vocabulary is their problem. They don't realize the problem is somewhere else. They always try to use exact translation of the word thay want to use, but it causes that they often get stuck.

If you have same problem remember that almost all words can be swapped by some other words. If you'll be speaking and suddenly stop, trying to get to your mind translation of some word, forget it! Try to say what you have on mind in other words - practising it is a real key to fluent English conversation!

3. Learn English by practise

Of course the best way of practise are English conversations with other people. You can find some people who want to talk to you online on our website. We recommend to contact with other person using communicator which provides voice chat (like Skype). However, in case you don't have possibility to use such, it's better to practise by standard chatting than not practising at all.

So the most important thing you have to remember is:

The more you practise, the more fluent your English speaking is :)

Good luck!

Kamis, 16 April 2009

Misi Les Privat Bahasa Inggris ini adalah

Menyediakan kesempatan belajar untuk semua tingkat usia. Utk tujuan menguasai conversation, correspondence, menguasai grammar, persiapan test TOEFL dan lain-lain. Belajar sampai bisa mahir bercakap. Sillabus pelajaran akan dimulai dari level dasar atau sesuai levelnya. Dalam 30x pertemuan yang berturut-turut, 90% bisa lancar dan siap utk dipergunakan untuk aktivitas sehari-hari. Jumlah siswa bisa per Individu, bisa per group. Siswa bebas memilih waktu belajar. Guru berpengalaman belasan tahun, datang ke rumah atau kantor untuk wilayah Jabodetabek. English adalah kebutuhan dasar utk meningkatkan working skill kita utk mencapai the bright future career, ayo kita belajar segera sekarang juga ......

Telp Numbers for further info

Utk info selengkapnya hubungi Mira di
- 021 7135 7809
- 0813 81444 882

Senin, 13 April 2009

English Learning Rule One

Hi guys... let's study English ..... the following suggestions are quoted from Mr. Hoge, The Director Of Effortless English, He is the expert of English Learning Method, He suggest us to:

1). Imagine speaking English automatically... without thinking. The words come out of your mouth easily, and fast. You understand instantly.
To do this, you must change the way you study English. Your first action is to stop studying English words. What?

"Stop studying English words"

That's right, do not memorize words. Native speakers do not learn English by remembering single words. Native speakers learn phrases.

Phrases are GROUPS of words that naturally go together.

Research by Dr. James Asher proves that learning with phrases is 4-5 times faster than studying individual words. 4-5 Times Faster.

Also, students who learn phrases have much better grammar.

Always Study and Review Phrases, Not Individual Words

Never study a single, individual word. Never.

When you find a new word, always write down The Phrase it is in. Always. When you review, always review all of the phrase,.. not the word.

Collect phrases.

Your speaking and grammar will improve 4-5 times faster. Always write the complete phrase.

Never again study a single word. Never write a single word in your notebook,
Learn Phrases Only.

PS: Today's Homework:
1. Get Audio for this rule and Listen To It Several Times

This is the end of the Rule One, To continue: read the rule 2

Quoted by Mira

Sabtu, 11 April 2009

English Learning Secret

Dear All English Learner,

Today I have an important English learning secret for you. This secret is the key to success. The biggest secret of all is-- emotion. In fact, if there is one "secret" to success in anything, including learning English, it is emotion! Not methods. Not teachers. Not books. It's Emotion.

With powerful positive emotion, you can succeed at anything.
I do the best learning methods for all my students, But even the best method is useless without emotion.
Simply put- if you are bored, tired, or sad you will not learn English well. This is how our brains work. Brains don't learn quickly when your emotions are mostly negative. Even if you use the very best learning methods and materials- you will get poor results if your emotions are weak or negative.

Tony Robbins, the famous peak performance coach, states that emotional mastery is the single biggest key to success, and I agree. My best students- the ones who learn the fastest and get the best results- are always energetic, enthusiastic, and positive.
When they are learning English, they are smiling. They are laughing. They are focused and they have energy.
If you want to improve quickly like them, you should imitate them.
How? Put yourself into a strong positive emotional state every time before studying English.
First, sit quietly, close your eyes, and remember happy positive memories from your life. Feel the way you felt at that time. Remember times you succeeded. Remember times you were excited. Remember times you felt love.
Next, move your body. Stand up. Jump around. Smile. Lift your arms into the air. Get your blood moving!
Finally, put on some happy, energetic music. Choose a favorite song that makes you feel happy and alive. Dance and move with the song. Consciously smile a huge smile!
Now you are ready to study English! Always do this before studying, so that you are always in a happy emotional state when you are learning English.
Do this and you will learn much faster. Your brain will remember much more. You will get much better results.
Master your emotions to master English!

Take care and love your English learning
, .....................

Bye bye..

Jumat, 10 April 2009

English Learning Room

foto2 siswa

Foto2 dibawah ini adalah para siswaku yg sedang belajar sekarang (udah 30 kali pertemuan), mereka adalah para karyawan kantor yg belajar bersama (satu group) di tempat kerja mereka. Alhamdulillaaaah, pinter2 dan rajin2 serta lucu2 semua sehingga belajarnya asyik dan pastinya... udah pada bisa bercakap bahasa Inggris sekarang dengan lumayan lancar, Grammarnya pun okey

Utk Info lengkap ttg: LES PRIVAT BAHASA INGGRIS ini, hubungi Mira di Telp. 021-71357 809

Kenalkan saya Mira, guru bahasa Inggris yg telah mengajar belasan tahun diwilayah Jabodetabek. Mengajar adalah pekerjaan yang paling saya sukai dari beberapa jenis pekerjaan yg saya kerjakan. Karena membantu orang yang tdk bisa bercakap bahasa Inggris kemudian menjadi bisa, adalah kepuasan bathin dan kebahagiaan tersendiri. Mengajar dengan metode diskusi, quiz, game, singing, joking, telling story etc sangat menarik, berkesan dan menghibur untuk diri saya sendiri dan juga para siswa tentunya
Saya mengajar untuk semua tingkat usia dari anak-anak sampai Dewasa. Saya datang kerumah atau kantor siswa. Ada juga yang memilih datang ke tempat saya. Waktu bebas, bisa dipilih ole siswa. Untuk info lebih lanjut hubungi saya di 021-71357 809 (HP Flexi) or 0813 81444 882